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Keep. Being. You.

To the trans person afraid to use the toilet, for fear of being attacked, arrested or killed, needing a place to pee and leave without judgement; but holding it in until they find a safer place....

To the trans person who is so to afraid to leave the house and function as every other person does; that sits in their room and panics, knowing that hiding feels safer than what's outside....

To the trans person struggling with body dysphoria, looking in the mirror and hating what they see reflected back at them. Wishing that they could flick a switch and make these feelings go away, or make the pain stop.... To the trans person crying at home after they've been shouted at in the street: being called tranny or freak, who's had the wrong pronouns used to make them feel hurt, who's been misgendered by someone on purpose and now feels totally worthless... To the trans person desperately trying to hide their breasts by binding and giving themselves back pain; or having to shave 2 times a day to hide their 5 o'clock shadow through their foundation. Who can't stand their own reflection in any mirror, when all they want to feel is happy in who they see reflected back at them... To the trans person who wants to give up on this and try to conform again, because the internal pain is much easier to handle than the external judgement and ridicule they're having to face now they've started to transition... To the trans person who is self harming, has an eating disorder or who is engaging in other self destructive behaviour because its the only way that they feel in control of the pain they feel in everyday life... To the trans person who's family have disowned them, who will no longer be a part of any christmases, birthdays, thanksgivings or any other family occasion...

You are valid. You are worthy of love. You deserve to be happy. This is a just a small part of your transition.

Despite the pain, despite the hurt, despite the rejection and feelings of self loathing; this is just a part of your journey to being the best version of you you've ever been. In the end you will be far happier than you are now, far happier than you ever have been. You'll be happier because for the first time in your life you're going to be the person you've always wanted to be.

The person you've aways wished you were. The person who reflects on the outside the person you are on the inside.

For many of us starting this epic adventure is the most difficult decision we've ever had to make, but now we're on this journey of self actualisation at times we get so terrified that we want to give up...

Know this.

It's hard at the beginning, but I promise you that it gets far easier. It's so hard for many of us in so many ways.We don't always share that part of our transition, but it's not just you who's struggling. We all do. Part of self discovery is part of discovering who you truly aren't - not just who you truly are. You are valid.

You are worthy of love.

You are going to be the person you've always wanted to be.

Those people who say you're brave - they mean it. They wish they had the conviction to follow their own true path. Those people who embrace you, the ones you can call any time day or night - they are your family now. They will be there for you to pick you when you're down. They know the pain that you're feeling and they also know that you're going to get through this.

Those people who use your preferred pronouns, who refuse to dead name you, who correct others when they misgender you - they see you for who you really are. Those people who reach out and support you when you're struggling - they don’t want you to feel pain, hurt or rejection. They want you to be happy, to be you, to be your authentic self. Because you are enough. You are more than enough.

Keep. Being. You.

Dedicated to anyone who is struggling with any part of their transition.

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