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Anything is possible

Wow, so it's now an incredible 5 years since I made the biggest change I've ever made in my life. Looking back there's been so many highs and lows and if I could do it all again, I really wouldn't change anything.

I want to share with you the most important lessons I've learned over the last 5 years, in the hope that they'll help inspire you on your journey.

Did you know that human beings differ from every single other life form? Aside from the obvious, we differ from other species in one less obvious way - every other single life form strives to the maximum of its potential. ALL life forms strive to the max, except human beings.

How tall will a tree grow? The answer is, as tall as it can. It will produce every branch and leaf that it can; every fruit every flower, it'll grow its roots as deep as it can, in order to reach the absolute maximum of it's potential. So why not us?

You see we as humans have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to go the same way, with the same results.


You can choose to start something truly magical. Something that's fully aligned with your passions, with who you are, with your true calling. There's the choice, to be part, or some, or all you're meant to be.

The choice is yours. You have to remember that life is not just the passing of time. It's a collection of experiences their intensity and their frequency.

1) It's not going to be easy, but it will get better. I was so scared the first time I left the house as Debbie, I was hyperventilating. I was so scared my landlady had to tell me to leave the house as I was starting work the next day. I got better day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. I'm asking you to do the same. Despite the downturns, you will get stronger, get better. You just have to keep putting yourself out there.

2) You can worry but don't let it rule you. You've all heard the phrase that the glass is half empty? I'm a true believer in the power of positive thinking, but I'd also be a fool to argue that the glass isn't half empty. You have to worry, but the key is for you to be the master, not the servant. Put it in the corner. Sometimes there are cracks of doubt, enemies of the mind you have to do battle with. Negativity is part of life - sure the glass is half full, but it's half empty also. Pessimism has to be educated, becuase it's stupid. Be in charge of your mind and you'll be in charge of your destiny.

3) You reap what you sow. If you want real true lasting happiness, you have to be the architect of that. Some people will support and help you along the way, but the effort is down to you. You have to take your harvest, good times are there to be had - but you put the work in, or you if you put the work in, you have to take responsibility. It's so difficult starting when you're looking at making massive changes, but had I not started this journey 5 years ago, I wouldn't be where I am now.

4) You will arrive in 5 years from now, question is where? I do hope that you're here , 5 years from now, reading or reflecting on this article and thinking she was right. You know God willing, the Universe or whatever your beliefs are, you are going to be somewhere. But where? You have 2 options. You can be in place of your own design, or you can be in the same place, doing the same things, getting the same results and I bet you'll be even unhappier than you are now. So why wait?

5) Make the mistakes, learn from them and then move on. They say practice makes perfect, right? I disagree. There's no such thing as perfect, and all we can do is strive to be the best version of ourselves. I've made so many mistakes in the last 5 years. Many times I've had to apologise for my actions, for upsetting others. That's part of life. If you can come to this from a place with no ego, and learn from the things you do wrong, you're going to be in a far better place than someone who beats themselves up over making mistakes - practice makes better - if you're striving for perfect, try striving for better.

6) Be touched by other peoples challenges. I normally do less steps but this one is too important to leave out. Let life touch you, people struggling with health, with their economy; open yourself up to all of it. The same walls that keep out sadness keep out opportunity. The same wall that keeps out strangers keeps out friends. Imagine the life you could have if you pulled down your walls; if you soaked it all up. If you took the time to welcome others. Share who you are, and touch people's lives - not just for our opportunities, but share your experiences,your heart, your soul. The path to understanding ourselves is often through understanding others.

The struggles I've endured, the rejections I've had to take, the friendships I've lost - the loves I've had, the friendships that have grown. Every single second has been worth it.

I hope your journey will be as a amazing as mine has been. Have faith in yourself, and if you don't? Contact me, and we'll work together on that.

You can see more on my YouTube video here. There's also a free podcast here.

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