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Even the brightest stars sometimes struggle to shine.
Do you ever feel like no matter what you are, you're never enough? Do you feel that despite your friends not telling you this, that they...
Being authentic is revolutionary - TDOV 2019
Being openly transgender in a world that's trying to invalidate you is revolutionary.
I'm always honest and open about my being transgender in any relationship because I firmly believe that if I don't tell someone that
6 Years in the making
As much as I love writing these posts, sharing my journey and doing video blogs the last few years have seen me doing this less and less....
Lessons learned since my surgery
Looking back at the last 2 years I cannot believe how much my life has changed. I mean I love change because let's face it if I didn't...
Becoming yourself and the path to mental wellbeing.
Today here in the UK it's Time to Change Day. A day for others to share their experiences around their mental health. If you're reading...
If you love somebody, set them free
I'm writing this much sooner than I thought I would, but I often find writing cathartic and if I don't get this out into the universe...
If you never try, then you'll never know.
It's been a while since my last blog and to be honest it's hardly surprising.... A lot has changed for me in the last few months -...
Transwoman and their bodies - What I've learned since transitioning
Ask any woman about their body and a lot of them will tell you things that they hate rather than things that they love about their body....
How to be a happier you
If you ask everyone the question what they want in life I bet you 99 out of 100 will answer you with the same reply, "I want to be...
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